.. _aggregates:
.. currentmodule:: django_mysql.models
MySQL-specific `database aggregates
for the ORM.
The following can be imported from ``django_mysql.models``.
.. class:: BitAnd(column)
Returns an ``int`` of the bitwise ``AND`` of all input values, or
18446744073709551615 (a ``BIGINT UNSIGNED`` with all bits set to 1) if no
rows match.
`__ /
`MariaDB `__.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=29)
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=15)
>>> Book.objects.all().aggregate(BitAnd("bitfield"))
{'bitfield__bitand': 13}
.. class:: BitOr(column)
Returns an ``int`` of the bitwise ``OR`` of all input values, or 0 if no
rows match.
`__ /
`MariaDB `__.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=29)
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=15)
>>> Book.objects.all().aggregate(BitOr("bitfield"))
{'bitfield__bitor': 31}
.. class:: BitXor(column)
Returns an ``int`` of the bitwise ``XOR`` of all input values, or 0 if no
rows match.
`__ /
`MariaDB `__.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=11)
>>> Book.objects.create(bitfield=3)
>>> Book.objects.all().aggregate(BitXor("bitfield"))
{'bitfield__bitxor': 8}
.. class:: GroupConcat(column, distinct=False, separator=',', ordering=None)
An aggregate that concatenates values from a column of the grouped rows.
Useful mostly for bringing back lists of ids in a single query.
`MySQL `__ /
`MariaDB `__.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from django_mysql.models import GroupConcat
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(book_ids=GroupConcat("books__id")).get(
... name="William Shakespeare"
... )
>>> author.book_ids
.. warning::
MySQL will truncate the value at the value of ``group_concat_max_len``,
which by default is quite low at 1024 characters. You should probably
increase it if you're using this for any sizeable groups.
``group_concat_max_len`` docs:
`MySQL `__ /
`MariaDB `__.
Optional arguments:
.. attribute:: distinct=False
If set to ``True``, removes duplicates from the group.
.. attribute:: separator=','
By default the separator is a comma. You can use any other string as a
separator, including the empty string.
.. warning::
Due to limitations in the Django aggregate API, this is not
protected against SQL injection. Don't pass in user input for the
.. attribute:: ordering=None
By default no guarantee is made on the order the values will be in
pre-concatenation. Set ordering to ``'asc'`` to sort them in ascending
order, and ``'desc'`` for descending order. For example:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> Author.objects.annotate(book_ids=GroupConcat("books__id", ordering="asc"))