Migration Operations

MySQL-specific migration operations that can all be imported from django_mysql.operations.

Install Plugin

class django_mysql.operations.InstallPlugin(name, soname)[source]

An Operation subclass that installs a MySQL plugin. Runs INSTALL PLUGIN name SONAME soname, but does a check to see if the plugin is already installed to make it more idempotent.

Docs: MySQL / MariaDB.


This is a required argument. The name of the plugin to install.


This is a required argument. The name of the library to install the plugin from. Note that on MySQL you must include the extension (e.g. .so, .dll) whilst on MariaDB you may skip it to keep the operation platform-independent.

Example usage:

from django.db import migrations
from django_mysql.operations import InstallPlugin

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []

    operations = [
        # Install https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/metadata_lock_info/
        InstallPlugin("metadata_lock_info", "metadata_lock_info.so")

Install SOName

class django_mysql.operations.InstallSOName(soname)[source]

MariaDB only.

An Operation subclass that installs a MariaDB plugin library. One library may contain multiple plugins that work together, this installs all of the plugins in the named library file. Runs INSTALL SONAME soname. Note that unlike InstallPlugin, there is no idempotency check to see if the library is already installed, since there is no way of knowing if all the plugins inside the library are installed.

Docs: MariaDB.


This is a required argument. The name of the library to install the plugin from. You may skip the file extension (e.g. .so, .dll) to keep the operation platform-independent.

Example usage:

from django.db import migrations
from django_mysql.operations import InstallSOName

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []

    operations = [
        # Install https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/metadata_lock_info/

Alter Storage Engine

class django_mysql.operations.AlterStorageEngine(name, to_engine, from_engine=None)[source]

An Operation subclass that alters the model’s table’s storage engine. Because Django has no knowledge of storage engines, you must provide the previous storage engine for the operation to be reversible.


This is a required argument. The name of the model to alter.


This is a required argument. The storage engine to move the model to.


This is an optional argument. The storage engine the model is moving from. If you do not provide this, the operation is not reversible.


If you’re using this to move from MyISAM to InnoDB, there’s a page for you in the MariaDB knowledge base - Converting Tables from MyISAM to InnoDB.

Example usage:

from django.db import migrations
from django_mysql.operations import AlterStorageEngine

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []

    operations = [AlterStorageEngine("Pony", from_engine="MyISAM", to_engine="InnoDB")]