
A MySQL-specific backend for Django’s cache framework.


An efficient cache backend using a MySQL table, an alternative to Django’s database-agnostic DatabaseCache. It has the following advantages:

  • Each operation uses only one query, including the *_many methods. This is unlike DatabaseCache which uses multiple queries for nearly every operation.

  • Automatic client-side zlib compression for objects larger than a given threshold. It is also easy to subclass and add your own serialization or compression schemes.

  • Faster probabilistic culling behaviour during write operations, which you can also turn off and execute in a background task. This can be a bottleneck with Django’s DatabaseCache since it culls on every write operation, executing a SELECT COUNT(*) which requires a full table scan.

  • Integer counters with atomic incr() and decr() operations, like the MemcachedCache backend.


To use, add an entry to your CACHES setting with:

  • BACKEND set to django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache

  • LOCATION set to tablename, the name of the table to use. This name can be whatever you want, as long as it’s a valid table name that’s not already being used in your database.

For example:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache",
        "LOCATION": "my_super_cache",

You then need to make the table. The schema is not compatible with that of DatabaseCache, so if you are switching, you will need to create a fresh table.

Use the management command mysql_cache_migration to output a migration that creates tables for all the MySQLCache instances you have configured. For example:

$ python mysql_cache_migration
from django.db import migrations

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        # Add a dependency in here on an existing migration in the app you
        # put this migration in, for example:
        # ('myapp', '0001_initial'),

    operations = [
            CREATE TABLE `my_super_cache` (
                cache_key varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin
                                       NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                value longblob NOT NULL,
                value_type char(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
                                   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'p',
                expires BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL
            "DROP TABLE `my_super_cache`"

Save this to a file in the migrations directory of one of your project’s apps, and add one of your existing migrations to the file’s dependencies. You might want to customize the SQL at this time, for example switching the table to use the MEMORY storage engine.

Django requires you to install sqlparse to run the RunSQL operation in the migration, so make sure it is installed.

Once the migration has run, the cache is ready to work!

Multiple Databases

If you use this with multiple databases, you’ll also need to set up routing instructions for the cache table. This can be done with the same method that is described for DatabaseCache in the Django manual, apart from the application name is django_mysql.


Even if you aren’t using multiple MySQL databases, it may be worth using routing anyway to put all your cache operations on a second connection - this way they won’t be affected by transactions your main code runs.

Extra Details

MySQLCache is fully compatible with Django’s cache API, but it also extends it and there are, of course, a few details to be aware of.


Like MemcachedCache (and unlike DatabaseCache), incr and decr are atomic operations, and can only be used with int values. They have the range of MySQL’s SIGNED BIGINT (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807).


MySQL has a setting called max_allowed_packet, which is the maximum size of a query, including data. This therefore constrains the size of a cached value, but you’re more likely to run up against it first with the get_many/set_many operations.

The MySQL 8.0 default is 4MB, and the MariaDB 10.2 default is 16MB. Most applications should be fine with these limits. You can tweak the setting as high as 1GB - if this isn’t enough, you should probably be considering another solution!


MySQL is designed to store data forever, and thus doesn’t have a direct way of setting expired rows to disappear. The expiration of old keys and the limiting of rows to MAX_ENTRIES is therefore performed in the cache backend by performing a cull operation when appropriate. This deletes expired keys first, then if more than MAX_ENTRIES keys remain, it deletes 1 / CULL_FREQUENCY of them. The options and strategy are described in in more detail in the Django manual.

Django’s DatabaseCache performs a cull check on every write operation. This runs a SELECT COUNT(*) on the table, which means a full-table scan. Naturally, this takes a bit of time and becomes a bottleneck for medium or large cache table sizes of caching. MySQLCache helps you solve this in two ways:

  1. The cull-on-write behaviour is probabilistic, by default running on 1% of writes. This is set with the CULL_PROBABILITY option, which should be a number between 0 and 1. For example, if you want to use the same cull-on-every-write behaviour as used by DatabaseCache (you probably don’t), set CULL_PROBABILITY to 1.0:

    CACHES = {
        "default": {
            "BACKEND": "django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache",
            "LOCATION": "some_table_name",
            "OPTIONS": {"CULL_PROBABILITY": 1.0},
  2. The cull() method is available as a public method so you can set up your own culling schedule in background processing, never affecting any user-facing web requests. Set CULL_PROBABILITY to 0, and then set up your task. For example, if you are using celery you could use a task like this:

    def clear_caches():

    This functionality is also available as the management command cull_mysql_caches, which you might run as a cron job. It performs cull() on all of your MySQLCache instances, or you can give it names to just cull those. For example, this:

    $ python cull_mysql_caches default other_cache

    …will call caches['default'].cull() and caches['other_cache'].cull().

You can also disable the MAX_ENTRIES behaviour, which avoids the SELECT COUNT(*) entirely, and makes cull() only delete expired keys. To do this, set MAX_ENTRIES to -1:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache",
        "LOCATION": "some_table_name",
        "OPTIONS": {"MAX_ENTRIES": -1},

Note that you should then of course monitor the size of your cache table well, since it has no bounds on its growth.


Like the other Django cache backends, stored objects are serialized with pickle (except from integers, which are stored as integers so that the incr() and decr() operations will work). If pickled data has has a size in bytes equal to or greater than the threshold defined by the option COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH, it will be compressed with zlib in Python before being stored, reducing the on-disk size in MySQL and network costs for storage and retrieval. The zlib level is set by the option COMPRESS_LEVEL.

COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH defaults to 5000, and COMPRESS_LEVEL defaults to the zlib default of 6. You can tune these options - for example, to compress all objects >= 100 bytes at the maximum level of 9, pass the options like so:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache",
        "LOCATION": "some_table_name",

To turn compression off, set COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH to 0. The options only affect new writes - any compressed values already in the table will remain readable.

custom serialization

You can implement your own serialization by subclassing MySQLCache. It uses two methods that you should override.

Values are stored in the table with two columns - value, which is the blob of binary data, and value_type, a single latin1 character that specifies the type of data in value. MySQLCache by default uses three codes for value_type:

  • i - The blob is an integer. This is used so that counters can be deserialized by MySQL during the atomic incr() and decr() operations.

  • p - The blob is a pickled Python object.

  • z - The blob is a zlib-compressed pickled Python object.

For future compatibility, MySQLCache reserves all lower-case letters. For custom types you can use upper-case letters.

The methods you need to override (and probably call super() from) are:


Takes an object and returns a tuple (value, value_type), ready to be inserted as parameters into the SQL query.

django_mysql.cache.decode(value, value_type)

Takes the pair of (value, value_type) as stored in the table and returns the deserialized object.

Studying the source of MySQLCache will probably give you the best way to extend these methods for your use case.

prefix methods

Three extension methods are available to work with sets of keys sharing a common prefix. Whilst these would not be efficient on other cache backends such as memcached, in an InnoDB table the keys are stored in order so range scans are easy.

To use these methods, it must be possible to reverse-map the “full” key stored in the databse to the key you would provide to cache.get, via a ‘reverse key function’. If you have not set KEY_FUNCTION, MySQLCache will use Django’s default key function, and can therefore default the reverse key function too, so you will not need to add anything.

However, if you have set KEY_FUNCTION, you will also need to supply REVERSE_KEY_FUNCTION before the prefix methods can work. For example, with a simple custom key function that ignores key_prefix and version, you might do this:

def my_key_func(key, key_prefix, version):
    return key  # Ignore key_prefix and version

def my_reverse_key_func(full_key):
    # key_prefix and version still need to be returned
    key_prefix = None
    version = None
    return key, key_prefix, version

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django_mysql.cache.MySQLCache",
        "LOCATION": "some_table_name",
        "KEY_FUNCTION": my_key_func,
        "REVERSE_KEY_FUNCTION": my_reverse_key_func,

Once you’re set up, the following prefix methods can be used:

django_mysql.cache.delete_with_prefix(prefix, version=None)

Deletes all keys that start with the string prefix. If version is not provided, it will default to the VERSION setting. Returns the number of keys that were deleted. For example:

>>> cache.set_many({"Car1": "Blue", "Car4": "Red", "Truck3": "Yellow"})
>>> cache.delete_with_prefix("Truck")
>>> cache.get("Truck3")


This method does not require you to set the reverse key function.

django_mysql.cache.get_with_prefix(prefix, version=None)

Like get_many, returns a dict of key to value for all keys that start with the string prefix. If version is not provided, it will default to the VERSION setting. For example:

>>> cache.set_many({"Car1": "Blue", "Car4": "Red", "Truck3": "Yellow"})
>>> cache.get_with_prefix("Truck")
{'Truck3': 'Yellow'}
>>> cache.get_with_prefix("Ca")
{'Car1': 'Blue', 'Car4': 'Red'}
>>> cache.get_with_prefix("")
{'Car1': 'Blue', 'Car4': 'Red', 'Truck3': 'Yellow'}
django_mysql.cache.keys_with_prefix(prefix, version=None)

Returns a set of all the keys that start with the string prefix. If version is not provided, it will default to the VERSION setting. For example:

>>> cache.set_many({"Car1": "Blue", "Car4": "Red", "Truck3": "Yellow"})
>>> cache.keys_with_prefix("Car")
set(['Car1', 'Car2'])


Versions 0.1.10 -> 0.2.0

Initially, in Django-MySQL version 0.1.10, MySQLCache did not force the columns to use case sensitive collations; in version 0.2.0 this was fixed. You can upgrade by adding a migration with the following SQL, if you replace yourtablename:

ALTER TABLE yourtablename
    MODIFY cache_key varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin
                                  NOT NULL,
    MODIFY value_type char(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
                              NOT NULL DEFAULT 'p';

Or as a reversible migration:

from django.db import migrations

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []

    operations = [
            ALTER TABLE yourtablename
                MODIFY cache_key varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin
                                              NOT NULL,
                MODIFY value_type char(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
                                          NOT NULL DEFAULT 'p'
            ALTER TABLE yourtablename
                MODIFY cache_key varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
                MODIFY value_type char(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'p'