List Fields


These field classes are only maintained for legacy purposes. They aren’t recommended as comma separation is a fragile serialization format.

For new uses, you’re better off using Django 3.1’s JSONField that works with all database backends. On earlier versions of Django, you can use django-jsonfield-backport.

Two fields that store lists of data, grown-up versions of Django’s CommaSeparatedIntegerField, cousins of django.contrib.postgres’s ArrayField. There are two versions: ListCharField, which is based on CharField and appropriate for storing lists with a small maximum size, and ListTextField, which is based on TextField and therefore suitable for lists of (near) unbounded size (the underlying LONGTEXT MySQL datatype has a maximum length of 232 - 1 bytes).

class django_mysql.models.ListCharField(base_field, size=None, **kwargs)

A field for storing lists of data, all of which conform to the base_field.


The base type of the data that is stored in the list. Currently, must be IntegerField, CharField, or any subclass thereof - except from ListCharField itself.


Optionally set the maximum numbers of items in the list. This is only checked on form validation, not on model save!

As ListCharField is a subclass of CharField, any CharField options can be set too. Most importantly you’ll need to set max_length to determine how many characters to reserve in the database.

Example instantiation:

from django.db.models import CharField, Model
from django_mysql.models import ListCharField

class Person(Model):
    name = CharField()
    post_nominals = ListCharField(
        max_length=(6 * 11),  # 6 * 10 character nominals, plus commas

In Python simply set the field’s value as a list:

>>> p = Person.objects.create(name="Horatio", post_nominals=["PhD", "Esq."])
>>> p.post_nominals
['PhD', 'Esq.']
>>> p.post_nominals.append("III")
>>> p.post_nominals
['PhD', 'Esq.', 'III']

Validation on save()

When performing the list-to-string conversion for the database, ListCharField performs some validation, and will raise ValueError if there is a problem, to avoid saving bad data. The following are invalid:

  • Any member containing a comma in its string representation

  • Any member whose string representation is the empty string

The default form field is SimpleListField.

class django_mysql.models.ListTextField(base_field, size=None, **kwargs)

The same as ListCharField, but backed by a TextField and therefore much less restricted in length. There is no max_length argument.

Example instantiation:

from django.db.models import IntegerField, Model
from django_mysql.models import ListTextField

class Widget(Model):
    widget_group_ids = ListTextField(
        size=100,  # Maximum of 100 ids in list

Querying List Fields


These fields are not built-in datatypes, and the filters use one or more SQL functions to parse the underlying string representation. They may slow down on large tables if your queries are not selective on other columns.


The contains lookup is overridden on ListCharField and ListTextField to match where the set field contains the given element, using MySQL’s FIND_IN_SET function (docs: MariaDB / MySQL docs).

For example:

>>> Person.objects.create(name="Horatio", post_nominals=["PhD", "Esq.", "III"])
>>> Person.objects.create(name="Severus", post_nominals=["PhD", "DPhil"])
>>> Person.objects.create(name="Paulus", post_nominals=[])

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__contains="PhD")
[<Person: Horatio>, <Person: Severus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__contains="Esq.")
[<Person: Horatio>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__contains="DPhil")
[<Person: Severus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(
...     Q(post_nominals__contains="PhD") & Q(post_nominals__contains="III")
... )
[<Person: Horatio>]


ValueError will be raised if you try contains with a list. It’s not possible without using AND in the query, so you should add the filters for each item individually, as per the last example.


A transform that converts to the number of items in the list. For example:

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__len=0)
[<Person: Paulus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__len=2)
[<Person: Severus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__len__gt=2)
[<Person: Horatio>]

Index lookups

This class of lookups allows you to index into the list to check if the first occurrence of a given element is at a given position. There are no errors if it exceeds the size of the list. For example:

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__0="PhD")
[<Person: Horatio>, <Person: Severus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__1="DPhil")
[<Person: Severus>]

>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__100="VC")


The underlying function, FIND_IN_SET, is designed for sets, i.e. comma-separated lists of unique elements. It therefore only allows you to query about the first occurrence of the given item. For example, this is a non-match:

>>> Person.objects.create(name="Cacistus", post_nominals=["MSc", "MSc"])
>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__1="MSc")
[]  # Cacistus does not appear because his first MSc is at position 0

This may be fine for your application, but be careful!


FIND_IN_SET uses 1-based indexing for searches on comma-based strings when writing raw SQL. However these indexes use 0-based indexing to be consistent with Python.


Unlike the similar feature on django.contrib.postgres’s ArrayField, ‘Index transforms’, these are lookups, and only allow direct value comparison rather than continued chaining with the base-field lookups. This is because the field is not a native list type in MySQL.

ListF() expressions

Similar to Django’s F expression, this allows you to perform an atomic add and remove operations on list fields at the database level:

>>> from django_mysql.models import ListF
>>> Person.objects.filter(post_nominals__contains="PhD").update(
...     post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").append("Sr.")
... )
>>> Person.objects.update(post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").pop())

Or with attribute assignment to a model:

>>> horatio = Person.objects.get(name="Horatio")
>>> horatio.post_nominals = ListF("post_nominals").append("DSocSci")
class django_mysql.models.ListF(field_name)

You should instantiate this class with the name of the field to use, and then call one of its methods.

Note that unlike F, you cannot chain the methods - the SQL involved is a bit too complicated, and thus only single operations are supported.


Adds the value of the given expression to the (right hand) end of the list, like list.append:

>>> Person.objects.create(name="Horatio", post_nominals=["PhD", "Esq.", "III"])
>>> Person.objects.update(post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").append("DSocSci"))
>>> Person.objects.get().full_name
"Horatio Phd Esq. III DSocSci"

Adds the value of the given expression to the (left hand) end of the list, like deque.appendleft:

>>> Person.objects.update(post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").appendleft("BArch"))
>>> Person.objects.get().full_name
"Horatio BArch Phd Esq. III DSocSci"

Takes one value from the (right hand) end of the list, like list.pop:

>>> Person.objects.update(post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").pop())
>>> Person.objects.get().full_name
"Horatio BArch Phd Esq. III"

Takes one value off the (left hand) end of the list, like deque.popleft:

>>> Person.objects.update(post_nominals=ListF("post_nominals").popleft())
>>> Person.objects.get().full_name
"Horatio Phd Esq. III"


All the above methods use SQL expressions with user variables in their queries, all of which start with @tmp_. This shouldn’t affect you much, but if you use user variables in your queries, beware for any conflicts.