
MySQL gives you metadata on the server status through its SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and SHOW SESSION STATUS commands. These classes make it easy to get this data, as well as providing utility methods to react to it.

The following can all be imported from django_mysql.status.

class django_mysql.status.GlobalStatus(name, using=None)[source]

Provides easy access to the output of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. These statistics are useful for monitoring purposes, or ensuring queries your code creates aren’t saturating the server.

Basic usage:

from django_mysql.status import global_status

# Wait until a quiet moment
while global_status.get("Threads_running") >= 5:

# Log all status variables
logger.log("DB status", extra=global_status.as_dict())

Note that global_status is a pre-existing instance for the default database connection from DATABASES. If you’re using more than database connection, you should instantiate the class:

>>> from django_mysql.status import GlobalStatus
>>> GlobalStatus(using="replica1").get("Threads_running")

To see the names of all the available variables, refer to the documentation: MySQL / MariaDB. They vary based upon server version, plugins installed, etc.


The connection alias from DATABASES to use. Defaults to Django’s DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS to use your main database connection.


Returns the current value of the named status variable. The name may not include SQL wildcards (%). If it does not exist, KeyError will be raised.

The result set for SHOW STATUS returns values in strings, so numbers and booleans will be cast to their respective Python types - int, float, or bool. Strings are be left as-is.


Returns a dictionary of names to current values, fetching them in a single query. The names may not include wildcards (%).

Uses the same type-casting strategy as get().


Returns a dictionary of names to current values. If prefix is given, only those variables starting with the prefix will be returned. prefix should not end with a wildcard (%) since that will be automatically appended.

Uses the same type-casting strategy as get().

wait_until_load_low(thresholds={'Threads_running': 10}, timeout=60.0, sleep=0.1)[source]

A helper method similar to the logic in pt-online-schema-change for waiting with –max-load.

Polls global status every sleep seconds until every variable named in thresholds is at or below its specified threshold, or raises a django_mysql.exceptions.TimeoutError if this does not occur within timeout seconds. Set timeout to 0 to never time out.

thresholds defaults to {'Threads_running': 10}, which is the default variable used in pt-online-schema-change, but with a lower threshold of 10 that is more suitable for small servers. You will very probably need to tweak it to your server.

You can use this method during large background operations which you don’t want to affect other connections (i.e. your website). By processing in small chunks and waiting for low load in between, you sharply reduce your risk of outage.

class django_mysql.status.SessionStatus(name, connection_name=None)[source]

This class is the same as GlobalStatus apart from it runs SHOW SESSION STATUS, so some variables are restricted to the current connection only, rather than the whole server. For which, you should refer to the documentation: MySQL / MariaDB.

Also it doesn’t have the wait_until_load_low method, which only makes sense in a global setting.

Example usage:

from django_mysql.status import session_status

read_operations = session_status.get("Handler_read")

And for a different connection:

from django_mysql.status import SessionStatus

replica1_reads = SessionStatus(using="replica1").get("Handler_read")